Week 10 – Punta Allen, Mega Base Clean and Good-bye
As this is our final week, its wouldn’t be right if we didn’t say good-bye without a party. And that’s exactly what we had. Saturday night saw us dress up to a Mexican theme and party the night away. Our costumes were very impressive ranging from massive moustaches to Mexican football shirts! Everybody had a great night, but surely one of the highlights was Lluvia teaching us and performing “Superman”. Something that will stay with us forever.
Being our final week, we were all keen to get all of our monitoring completed. Thankfully, our highly trained and skilled divers have been up to the challenge and by the end of the week we have virtually finished all of the transects. Also this week saw people completing their BTECs and Divemaster training. Well done to everyone! Wednesday was our last day for diving and although we are all really sad that we wont be diving at Pez Maya any more, at least one group (Crouz’s) got to swim dolphins for the last time!
So tomorrow is the last morning, and at approximately 11 am we go from awkward hellos at Hotel Colorado to tearful good byes at Pez Maya, I think we can say that everyone will miss our paradise here as well as the incredible people who have inhabited it for ten weeks. We hope you have enjoyed reading this blog, because we have certainly enjoyed writing it.
Peace and Love, Crouz & Maja

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