End of phase in Punta Gruesa
The last week has gone crazy quick. The final countdown (It’s the Final Countdown…dada dee -dar, dadada da-dar) I have heard it sung a million times this week. It really started with the last TEFL of phase, singing “Here comes the Sun” and saying our last goodbye by painting a mural for the primary school. It was an emotional goodbye as we had all grown fond of each other and it was also Raphs last TEFL too.
Back at base the DMT were doing their final push of their course and all four became Divemasters on Wednesday. Everyone else was continuing with monitoring. From Monday it seemed very busy and there were not enough hours in the day. But we all pulled together and finished all the coral and fish monitoring with a few sacrificing their fun dives for monitoring on the last day of diving.
So we finish phase, very proud of all we have achieved. We are going to miss base and most of all the people!

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