Our very good friends John and Patti from
Juniper GIS, in cooperation with two conservation organizations doing significant work along the Mexican Caribbean coast, will be offering 1-week GIS classes with a focus on conservation applications for only $750. These classes will focus on beginning and intermediate GIS skills for those who want to learn and/or enhance their GIS skills, and also get to work with and help local conservation groups.
Juniper GIS is partnering with
Amigos de Sian Ka'an and
Centro Ecologico Akumal. Both groups will be planning field trips to nearby conservation sites and/or Mayan ruins where you can practice GIS and GPS skills and get an inside look into the work of these organizations.
Amigos de Sian Ka’an, based in Cancun, promotes the preservation of the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, located south of Tulum. This includes almost one third of the Caribbean coast of Mexico. This class will be October 25-29 at the Universidad del Caribe in Cancun.
Centro Ecologico Akumal is based in Akumal, just north of Tulum, and is working on three main conservation programs - marine and coastal protection, sea turtle protection, and water quality. This class will be October 18-22 at their center in Akumal.
Students will earn 40 hours of education credit towards the GIS Professional (GISP) certificate.

There will be only four seats available in each class for $750 per person. Remaining seats will be filled by the participants of these two organizations or related organizations. The course will be taught in English, but the manuals will be bilingual to help Spanish-speaking students. We may arrange discounts for bi-lingual students willing to help in the class.
Travel, lodging and meals are not included, but the host organizations are arranging economical lodging options. The total cost, including airfare, lodging and meals, will be less than taking a similar course in the US.
For more information on this class, please click

Unique opportunity in Mexico! GIS training with a conservation focus!!
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