Punta Allen wants to become green and you can help!

They are now doing another step ahead with the project Green Punta Allen which aims to start a recycling program. The programme will start with several workshops in town and then the placing of different containers around town and in the school. The workshop program will initially focus upon the children of the village, and then move onto the women’s groups and the local co-operatives, with the aim of the entire community eventually committed to participating.
They have already organized a “kermesse” in which they got some funding to buy the containers needed. However, they need more help in order to buy more containers, build the Recycling centre and keep it working. Pez Maya volunteers and staff are involve in this project and so you can by donating to the program! A small donation will help them in a lot!!! Please visit http://www.justgiving.com/puntaallenverde

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