As well as the Belize adventure another group of us, from
Punta Gruesa, took the three and a half hour trip up to the town of Tulum, where we decided to visit the beach. There we experienced the strong winds and gazed at the display of kitesurfers while admiring the view and the silky sands. In the evening we met up for the largest vacio (steak) in Tulum to fulfill our craving for meat, something we lack in our daily lives on base.
On Saturday we woke up early for a morning trip to the ruins before the tourists swarmed there. For some of the group the iguanas attracted more attention than the ruins! In the afternoon came our main reason for going to Tulum; cenote diving. We went to the ‘Dos Ojos’ (Two Eyes) cenote and experienced the wonders of underwater caverns, seen only by torchlight. Not only did the scenery take our breath away, but the brisk temperature of the fresh water too!

The cenote dives wee so good that five of us went back for more on Sunday. We diced into cenote ‘Angelitas’ first, which had a ‘sulphurcline’ – a thick sulphur cloud – at 30 metres. The eeriness of the dive as you lose your dive buddies in the metre and a half of sulphur was an experience we will surely never forget. Our second cenote dive – at cenote ‘Car Wash’ was way more relaxed and we got to see some fresh water turtles – all in all it was a great weekend!

Long Weekend the sequel: Tulum by Melissa Brandner
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