International Conference on Tourism-Cozumel 2011
Last week we were invited for the second time to the International Tourism Conference organized by Quintana Roo State University (UQROO) in Cozumel Island. We gave a talk about volunteer tourism and how it has helped achieving our partners’ goals and objectives. It was a great success and many people got interested as it is a very new concept in Mexico. A topic that can be very polemic too as I experienced from a smiliar talk given in Sweden to Sustainable development Master students. At the end, every body learned that volunteer tourism is not about volunteering to be a tourist!!! :) but about the importance of volunteers to help achieving the local organization's goals.
During the congress in Cozumel we also attended very interesting talks about religious tourism; accessible tourism for disable and elder people as well as folks with babies and kids that also find not so friendly places and how that industry is developing little by little; rural tourism and its implications in the sustainable rural development of Mexico, oxygen bars on the health tourism area and many more! A very well organized and interesting event!

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