The first week has zoomed by and everyone’s finally getting to know one another with a couple of cheeky personalities shining through. Part of one of the boat engines was stolen the week before we arrived so there was no diving till Friday, though we found plenty of other things to do with our time including Spanish lessons from the Mexican scholar girls Eliza and Regina. On Thursday the mechanics finally came and serviced the engine of Vision so the girls kicked back and relaxed with a glass of lime water while we watch the boys pretend to be manly towing the motor around and helping the mechanics.
Saturday was party night and the evening flowed well with plenty of dancing (though some of us had a little too much) then with our hangovers cured by French toast we head into town for food cooked by someone who can actually cook, the internet and sightseeing at the local ruins in Tulum.
There’s all been daily exercises classes including yoga and interval training though at the minute it’s only the hardcore gym heads taking part another week of carbs and the whole base will be joining in.
People are slowly getting into the flow of base life though I doubt well ever get used to being below mosquitos in the food chain everyone is very itchy.
The weekends been and gone so it’s back to spot dives for the certified people and finishing OW for the rest.
Until next time
Muchos love
Sophie & the rest of phase 113 xxx

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