Fast forward --- Did I say science? Clearly mother nature does not want us helping her out as the wind has been far too strong for us to go diving this past week. Basically, if the wind howls, we cannot make it out past the breaking waves to get to the reef. And let me tell you, these Mexican Carribbean winters can be fierce. We even had snow on a few occasions. That's right. Snow. OK, we didn't have snow, but since we couldn't get on with the science, we had to come up with a plan B. That plan was to head down to Xcalak, a lovely fishing village of about 400 nestled squarely within a massive national marine reserve. Over the course of the two days in Xcalak, we got in 3 dives including an amazing night dive. Of course the highlight was our interaction with a manatee (aka. dugong, sea cow, mermaid). The manatee first appeared as we were getting set to jump in the water on our second dive of the day, but then he/she mysteriously disappeared as we descended. Swift creature, the manatee is. About half way through the dive, we spotted the majestic animal swimming in the open water, cruising along the surface. The next 10 minutes were spent screaming in joy as we accompanied the mermaid on her journey. Soon we said goodbye to the manatee and to Xcalak, as headed home with a few more things checked off our bucket lists.
As of today, the wind still howls, but we remain positive that we will get back to our science. For the interns on base, news has spread of where their 12 week dive shop placements will be (Xcalak, Mahahual, Playa Del Carmen, or Cozumel). There are also rumblings of a trip to Belize, Guatemala, Antigua, and Honduras for the upcoming two week break. So while these 10 weeks are going very quickly, the memories, past and future, will certainly last a lifetime. Now I'm off to go see about a tribal themed bonfire party.....
More Hugs and Kisses,
Your Faithful Correspondent (Patricio).

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