So at the start of this trip I totally envied the people learning fish;
1. they didn't have to learn names like "Diploria Strigosa", instead it was things like "yellow tailed snapper"
2. when you first start learning corals they all look the same, like lumps of rocks with wavy patterns.

When we started our tests I still envied them because corals can look very different depending on a picture and then on spot dives, same again; corals look very different in different situations especially if they're small. But now I think it's better to learn the corals - they don't move, so it's easy to spot and measure them, plus when you're not looking at the coral you can enjoy the more typically enjoyed marine life - the fish, the SHARKS and the DOLPHINS! That's right, this week we had a few visits from some nurse sharks and about seven dolphins. I got to see about
six dolphins and a nurse shark in one dive which was pretty sweet!

Apart from the fantastic diving, I went into teach English to the local secondary school which was an incredible experience. On one of our non diving days we went one hour north to snorkel what is known here as 'The Shipwreck' - a boat which is not totally submerged. We did some sunbathing, plus just hanging out with the whole group was epic fun and such a laugh.
One of our group is leaving tomorrow (the 4th February) so we will be sad to see her go, but look forward to the three new arrivals next week.
Until next week: Peace out K8!

Kate's 5th week in Punta Gruesa- why enjoying learning corals, TEFL and shipwreck visit!
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