Dives, Jives and the best days of our lives
Now when the other guys are diving you might wonder what there is to do? There's radio duty, compressor duty (filling the tanks), kitchen duty if it's your turn, projects around the base such as painting or vanishing, planning social events and of course there is always the option of chilling out. By the way if you come here and do the BTEC you're going to have to try and beat an interpretive dance, kids story with model and a rap about mangroves, sea grass and coral reefs (see picture)
I have opted to be one of the social monitors for this phase and so far I've planned pass the parcel and a treasure hunt plus officially made Wednesday nights games night so everyone can get involved and they'll be plenty more to come if my imagination is up for the challenge. This week's party night was a pirate theme and it was an epic evening; everyone made such a great effort and it is amazing how creative people can be when they try (lets just say there isn't exactly a Primark or Walmart down the street).
Be prepared to work your ass off- this is no holiday but you 100% get as much out of it as you're willing to put in. And at the end of the day it is such an immense experience and worth all the effort. I'm having the time of my life with some of the most incredible people and I love living in this beautiful, serene if not crazy paradise.
By Kate

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