"Forget New York, New York, think Playa!" by Kate
This week has all sort of blurred into one. There was a fair bit of diving and the weather was
so nice. On Sunday (6th Feb) we got to do a fun dive, it was six volunteers, no staff, which was
amazing! Plus it was my 100th dive so everyone in my group wore dresses over their wet suits (our group had 2 girls & 4 guys) which was so funny.
than last time. If you come definitely sign up for TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language)
because it is a such an incredible & rewarding experience.

chill out. The majority of our group went to Playa Del Carmen, some guys went to Tulum just to visit the ruins there, but we all met up on Friday night in Playa. When we arrived we sorted out hotel rooms which are pretty cheap, did some shopping, had some food and met up with everyone for dinner. Everyone enjoyed a steak and wine. Such luxuries!
On Saturday some of us went on a cenote (freshwater cavern) dive which was so incredible. There isn't very much life but the formations of rock were beautiful. That night we went out again and officially took over “Blue Parrot” (a club on the beach).
A few people left on the 9 am bus but most of us stayed for the whole of Sunday, getting the 1 a.m bus back to Mahahaual. We arrived at 5 am, stumbling around from lack of sleep, trying to find a taxi so we could get back to base on time. Luckily we got back by 6:15 am ready to start
Monday duties.
It was an epic weekend because the company was so fantastic. Maybe not quite as relaxing as we thought but definitely “sick!”
Peace out: K8

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