Lizy's- the dolphin spotter- 5th week in Punta Gruesa!

They flashed past 17 meters above. I thought that was going to be it. I thought it was going to
be one of those things were you see something, you know you did, it was there, it was, but no
one else sees it and everyone goes " are you sure you did, really? hmmmm. ok." This isn't
going to happen. I make a big star shape and cry "DOLPHINS" through my regulator.... and
again, and then slower "doooolphiiins...." My buddy's eyes are wide with horror. The peaceful
tranquility of the reef 17 meters down shattered by this ridiculous display. What on earth is
going on. "BLAH BLAH" ... "BLAH BLAH"" ... "Bllllaaaaaaah blllaaaah!" It turned out okay,
moments later seven beautiful, amazing dolphins came to say hello. So close we could have
touched them. I don't have anything else to add, it the most incredible thing I have ever seen.
bring good nurse shark (oh God, he was so beautiful too) and dolphin karma. Looking forward to the next .... and the next.....

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