Hi guys
returned from Pez Maya and it's all go down there. Even though the sea hasn't been our best buddy, volunteers have been going to Casa Cenote to start their open water training and the check out dives. By the time I was leaving, the 1st boats were departing from base, which is great news as it means diving from base has started!Yesterday, the preparations for Earth Day 2010 started. This Global event is organized by PADI Aware and in 2009 engaged thousands of dive volunteers in more than 115 countries to help protect underwater environments and educate local communities.
This year is going to be a special one for Dive Into Earth Day Pez Maya - not only we are going to contribute by engaging our divers, but we are rolling out a MUCH BIGGER project: Pta Allen Verde!
As most of you know, Pta Allen is a fishing village located 40ish km from Pez Maya, at the end of the road into the Reserve of Sian Ka'an. It's an amazing little community, where we have been helping (in varios forms) since 2003. Chatting to the local group of Mums (remember last month's post when they came to Pez Maya for EFR training?) it became clear that one of their main issued was waste disposal and it's management. So no need to say any more - the Pezzies started developing a plan of action! So here's what planned for Sat 24th of April
- Beach and town clean up - with kids, parents and fishermen
- Waste management talks - we will be focusing on basic separation concepts.
- Recyclables storage unit - this is what we are most excited about - we are going to start raising funds (GVI CT watch out!) to build a storage unit in town, so all families can start separating asap. There will be round tables (with key local community members) on dealing with issues such as how to transport the recyclable material out of town, where to sell it, how to manage those funds...
- Activities with children - another exciting one! We are starting the new "Environmental Policy" force in Pta Allen. Only children with LOTS of energy and HEAPS of desire to protect the environment will be allowed to join this special unit. The induction will involved rubbish collection competition, recycling workshops and at the end diplomas (recycled of course) will be given to those who have made it through this tough selection process.
- "Kermes" in town - there will be town party with food, drinks and piñatas (all made out of material we already have) with all profits going towards the new recyclables storage center!
- We also going to try to invite all local tourism companies, so they get involved in the activities and maybe donate some cash too.
So if any of the above appeals to you, please join on on saturday the 24th, from 10ish until the party is over, in Pta Allen. And if you can't, please help us raise some very needed funds for the storage center (more to come on how to do this!)
Danny (regional director)

Pta Allen verde - getting ready for Earth Day 2010
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