We’ve finally descended into the depths of the Caribbean Sea!! Yes, after an entire week of staring out at the sea from the beach, longing for our chance to zip up our wet suits, slip into our fins, and gear up our regulators, we were finally allowed to scuba dive! We had unfortunately up to that point been ‘grounded’ due to the heavy winds and waves cancelling any and all dives, forcing us to spend most of our time sitting around and studying for our fish and coral tests.

However, like everything here in
Punta Gruesa, once we were allowed into the water things ran like a well oiled machine (much like the air tank compressor!) and soon 21 newbie volunteers had experienced their first foray under the Mexican Caribbean sea.
Due to our flourishing coral and fish knowledge developed during the previous week on land, we were all soon spotting stingrays, groupers, the infamous lionfish and of course the ‘terrifying’ fire coral…

Everyone emerged from their gives with all smiles and giant grins on their faces. Enthusiasm and excitement was shared by all and we cannot wait to get back into the water and down below the surface of the ocean again tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that and so forth.

Friday April 9th: Scuba Scuba Scuba! in Punta Gruesa
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