Pimp My Pez Maya!

The builders (or destroyers!) have been hard at work now through part of the interphase and into the phase beginning. As with all construction work (specially in Mexico), it hasn’t quite run to plan as yet, and the rush to make the volunteer huts ready in time was fun. However, the huts are now occupied with 16 brand sparkly new volunteers to match the future brand new Pez Maya. The building work was delayed due to permission issues as we are situated in the reserve, so it began with plenty of banging and falling of roofs and holes appearing all over but little in the way of repair. Now the materials have arrived, the holes are being filled and the facelift has begun.

The volunteer huts have new roofs to replace the circus tarps (but it is still Mexico, and they will still be hot in Summer!!!!) The communal areas are being tweaked and roofs supported. We are now all sharing the space and some of the order has been compromised with spaces being taken over, therefore many temporary solutions are necessary. However, for every problem, there is a solution and we are enjoying the challenge of figuring them out.

When the builders are finished, there will be plenty of scope for staff and volunteers to continue improvements with their own skills which we will bring to you in good time, so keep your eyes on the blog!

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