"Ruta Ecologica" Beach clean up in Sian Ka'an, working with CONANP, Ford and Televisa Verde
Even though we carry out a weekly beach clean up in Pez Maya, it's always good to spread our love and energy in other clean ups. And this initiative by Ford, Televisa Verde and CONANP was well worth it.
The Ruta Ecologica is a tour of 10 of the most ecologically important areas/reserves of Mexico. As you all know, Mexico is one of the most biodiverse countries in Planet Earth, representing and estimate 12% of the world biodioversity (interesting fact is that if you combine the 5 megadiverse countries of the world - China, India, Colombia, Peru and Mexico - between 60-70% of the Earth's biodiversity can be ob

The aim of the route was to showcase this incredible biodiversity and to increase

After visiting Pico Orizaba, Sonora, Gulf of California or the Sea of Cortes, the route's final stop was out our home ground, Sian Ka'an, and since one of the main issues affecting this incredible reserve is the amount of rubbish washed daily to our shores, it was decided to organize a big beach clean up.
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Televisa Verde filmed the event (as soon as we know when it will be broadcasted we will let you know) and interviewed several volunteers and staff members.

Niiiiiiiice. Interesting stats on the biodiversity too. Where did you get them from?
I got the figures from CONABIO ( Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento
y Uso de la Biodiversidad) who use data from the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005.
However, biodiversity is such a buzz word these days that can be assessed in many ways, and there are other many classifications. The fact remains that Mexico is one of the top 5 countries in biological diversity, so any initiative like the one we are supporting is very necessary!! Thanks for following the blog
Question I have is where is the trash coming from?
A lot of it is brought by the sea from the southern marine currents, other part is left by people that visit the area and sadly leave their garbage. If you are more interested in trash figures we have published an annual report on this blog where you can see the type of garbage collected throughout the year. Also, there is a blog article comparing the clean up day figures worldwide and the figures in Pez maya in Sian Ka'an reserve. Glad you are reading the blog and are interested in it!
Hello everyone;
We are autoplus magazine, a special automotive editorial publishing, and we make the route, we drove the Escape. If uoy are interesting in more info, we have a web page http://www.jambitz.com/category/ruta-ecologica-cartech/
We made a special coverage and there is a plenty of photos.
you can follow us in twitter/autoplusmexico, facebook/revistaautoplus o send us an email if you need photos or more info autoplus@editorial.televisa.com.mx
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