And now in Pta Gruesa...lion fish are spotted all along the coastline
And now we've seen them in Pta Gruesa.
2 juvenile Lion Fish were spotted on the 22nd of July by Expedition Member Natalie Summers.
The sighting was at Flor de Cañón (19°02.0
Will keep an eye for it, trying to catch them when possible, to extract them from the Caribbean reefs!

Lionfish, beautiful and deadly in so many ways. Presuming you can catch them what do you do with them then?
Hi Paul. Thanks for your comment and visiting our blog. The regional protocol approved 2 weeks ago by local reserve managers and experts, stated that the fish need to be caught (using nets to avoid injuries) and then stored in alcohol before handing them to the CONANP (Comision Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas) who will then donate to several research centers, so more can be known about their biology.
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