GVI donation to Amigos de Sian Ka'an - Grupo Anderson's fundraising campain
Amigos de Sian Ka'an recently embarked themselves in the "Grupo Anderson's Fundraising Campaign" and we couldn't let this chance go without chipping in and being part of this amazing initiative.
Grupo Anderson is a Mexican based restaurant consortium, and one of the largest and successful ones here, that has pledge to match any donation ASK get through this campaign, anything up to $1,000,000!!!
The money raised will be used to continue the work that ASK carries out in forest, watersheds and reef systems of Quintana Roo, in particular in the following objectives:
- Water Conservation Programme: aerial study of the underwater rivers of Quintana Roo.
- Land and Forest Conservation Programme: strengthen the State network of protected areas, specially Cozumel, Chichankanab and the biological corridor of Calakmul-Sian Ka'an
- Marine Conservation Programme: training programmes for fishermen and diving professionals to take part in the early warning system monitoring programme, finding and validate new fish aggregation sites in order to protected them, continue monitoring the reef systems of Sian Ka'an and Mahahual.

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