This past weekend alongside with the Earth hour initiative, another important event occurred in this corner of the country. All the Mexico GVI staff, current and new members, attended a workshop organized by GVI Mexico in Punta Gruesa Mahahual. This workshop intended to train and update the team members in New programs, Science protocols, Head and Regional Offices administrative procedures, Health and Safety standards, and to be a space to exchange experiences between both bases.

During this 4 day workshop we had 3 external guests who gave us very interesting talks. Albert from Amigos de Sian Ka’an talked about the Environmental problems foreseen in Quintana Roo State and the conservation and educational projects they are carrying on in the area, John from Juniper came to visit and chatted about GIS coming course and its usefulness in conservation projects, Dr. Eduardo Rovirosa talked about common ear problems for divers and DCS (Decompression Illness) physiology and causes.

From GVI internal Staff, Monique, former field staff member and now Volunteer Coordinator gave us a very complete science workshop, giving both bases more tools to train the volunteers and an overview of other and new marine monitoring resources. All the staff received the DAN (Divers Alert Network) O2 provider and Neurological Assessment training and certification from our very own DAN, Danny our Country Director, also DAN instructor. Olly our Field Volunteer coordinator and Cynthia from Regional Office gave a good insight on practical points regarding the field and its link with the administrative side.
In conjunction with the lectures there were fun team building activities and Mental challenges every morning that woke our minds and bonded the staff. Indubitably it was a very tiring but fun and productive workshop that we will continue doing in a regular basis. Thank you everybody for your time!

GVI Mexico Team Member training workshop
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