You, a hammock and a book. What do you do? Turn the page. But what if the next page isn`t as great and awesome as the one before? You`ll probably keep on reading and realize that life goes on as good and exciting as always with those special memories from last page just beside you in the rearview mirror.

14 volunteers from the start of the phase have now turned to 7 after the first 5 weeks. With that the base feels calmer and quiet, but never think that the energy has disappeared! We have also gotten two new volunteers on base. All the science and monitoring keep the flame burning inside of us all.
Last week ended with one and a half extra days off due to goodbye to volunteers that`s going home after 5 weeks. The place to be for a goodbye party around here is of course Playa Del Carmen. Some tears were falling and that didn`t surprise anyone I think. The first half of the phase has been super with super people! But before the goodbye party we also had time for some beautiful diving around Cozumel Island, adrenaline full cavern diving and treasure hunt in the shipwreck around Puerto Morelos. Some of the sightings include spotted eagle ray, marlin, turtles, lobsters, murray etc. Just delicious as our Norwegian volunteer would describe it.

Other funny ongoing things on base include the start of the rescue course for 5 fearless divers. So far we`re only in the beginning of the course and it is physically demanding, I tell you that! But all the hard work is rewarding though the course is highly appreciated among other divers. Making diving safer with new skills isn’t bad and it totally opens your eyes before next time you enter the water.
Apparently, the upcoming page in the book feels welcoming, inspiring and amazing. If you do turn the page, you`ll see that life in Pez Maya hasn`t changed a bit. That’s not bad, not bad at all
Sven Out

Turn the page
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