Good Moooooorning GVI! Hope all you lovely ladies and gentlemen are enjoying the fresh spring weather. Also hope ya’ll enjoyed your holidays, and perhaps your respective underwater Easter egg hunts. I know I did. Of course, being here in Mexico and away from my dear family and friends, Easter was spent without my old traditions (colored eggs, slight hangover, big helpings of lambs meat). But this makes way for new tradition (tacos, more tacos, and TACOS).
As to actual Divemaster related skills, check off the stamina tests and the first exam from our list. Also, took care of the practical application – deep dive scenario. As some of you have pointed out, part A of the exam was quite easy. It was almost disturbingly easy. However, I expect big things from the theory, physiology, and quantum physics portion of the exam. So I’m hitting the library and cranking out all nighters in anticipation. It’s like being back in college, but here we study with masks on.
Our dives this week consisted of Playa Del Carmen reefs as well some Cozumel. Playa’s reefs may not be the healthiest (predation, bleaching, and a bit run down unfortunately) but their wildlife was off the hook, as they say. Logger head turtles the size of refrigerators and eagle rays the size of mid-size compact cars. In fact, we saw one turtle munching away on some sea grass. We got so close we could almost touch him. But remember kids, we don’t touch or ride the sea creatures. Cause they don’t ride us. And I think that is fair agreement between wildlife and humans. You wouldn’t want a sea creature riding you now would you?
Ok, moving on…
C.O.Z.U.M.E.L. Let me say that Cozumel lives up to its reputation. Also let me say that a massive wall dive with a strong drift is something akin to flying. Or like watching an underwater episode of Planet Earth on fast forward. Mind bending stuff. After our deep and swift dive, we mellowed out on a site called Paradise. Saw my first seahorse and almost wet my 3mm. O M G. What crazy little creatures. Again, we don’t ride sea horses. As they are far too small and cute. But there are horse rides available along the streets of Cozumel if you really get the itch. So moral of the story, if you have the chance, go to Cozumel. You won’t be disappointed.
Now while I’m training to become a Divemaster, I also am an intern. It’s like DM training on steroids. Not only do I do the yummy DM stuff, but I also get to work for a dive shop and immerse myself in the experience. Remember your first summer internship? Well instead of getting coffee for your boss, you get tanks. But also get to scuba dive like a mad man, and learn the intricate, customer-centric (thank you PADI) side of the business. It’s a feast for the mind and soul. Think about it…
Till we meet again,

Belated Holiday Edition! from the dive shop!
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