Week 9 in Pez Maya! Ship wreck, Rescue diver course, hamerhead shark and more creatures!

pass so us Rescue divers got a chance to practice our missing diver search patterns. This
entailed a buddy pair hiding and then the rescue divers had to organize a search party
and bring the missing divers to the surface. We played underwater hide and seek for a
fair few hours and had lots of fun!

entailed dragging victims through surf to the safety of the shore while simultaneously giving them rescue breathes and protecting their airway from the huge breakers crashing on to shore. It was a proper Baywatch operation and very tiring for all involved, we all went to bed at 7.30 that night!
Thursday so far has been a very exciting and surprising day as an 8ft long scalloped hammerhead shark *Sphyrna lewini for you latin geeks out there!* has been spotted at one of our training sights, Special K, this is the first time this species has been sighted here in over a year!
The rest of us are looking forward to getting our Shark fix at the weekend as we will all be venturing on a Bull Shark dive ahhhhh!!!
That’s all for now, until next time xoxo

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