As you know GVI is commited to help those in need and this time is not the exception. As you already know the most powerful earthquake to hit Japan since records began has struck the north-east of the country triggering a devastating tsunami. Thousands of people have been affected and International support is needed to help them.
Major disasters always require a huge amount of international support to provide relief and long term recovery efforts. In the case of Japan, these initial funds will help those in need access necessary services.
The GVI Charitable Trust have started a campaign to help victims of this disaster. Funds will be disbursed to local organisations providing effective relief and services to those in need.
Visit the GVI Charitable Trust campaign to donate:
www.gvi.org.uk/projects#japanreliefDonations can be made online through
Just Givingand for tax effective donations from the US,
Global Giving.

Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Relief in Japan
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