As things begin to wind down here we all suddenly realize it´s only a few days until we leave Punta Gruesa.
There are various trips planned for the two week break the interns have before starting placements including visiting Belize, Guatemala or Honduras. There will be a few heading home and I wonder how home will feel after 10weeks of sunshine, diving, communal living and hard work.

Those heading back will be reintroduced to comforts like their own room, only cooking for one, having a hot shower when they want and having clean, fresh clothes. The foods we´ve all missed such as ice cream, meat, cheese and chocolate, not to mention those personal home country comforts – for yours truly it’s the good old British roast dinners, toad in the hole, sausage and mash and English breakfast tea can be enjoyed once more by those heading home whilst I´ll have to wait at least another three months for my home comforts.

The past ten weeks have been incredible and one of the best experiences of my life without a doubt and although the next step is an exciting one it saddens me somewhat to be leaving this place but more so leaving the people. When you live with people for so long, day in day out, life long friendships are formed and its difficult to imagine your life without them.
As we prepare for our final party night, pack our bags and take these final moments in, it´s hard to remember how we felt that first day and how we´ve all changed and grown since then. All the things we have done seem to have morphed into one long memory of Punta Gruesa Jan 2011.
So as our last days loom, it´s time to sit back and remember the time spent here in paradise.
Peace our K8

Good times, good friends and goodbyes by K8
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