Second 5 week update from Punta Gruesa
So the 5 weekers are gone (sadly! And we miss you lots!) and new 5 weekers are enjoying Punta Gruesa now. They arrived on very hot day just in time to stop the 10 weekers from eating each other (it was a late lunch - they arrived at 3pm!!!). The new 5 weekers seem to have adjusted to life in paradise very well. Most people are filling up the bathroom water buckets and not throwing toilet paper in the toilets. Congrats to Emma as well, who recently received her Open Water certification.
It is great to report that the compressor has been running smoothly, it was the boats turn to have some “issues”, all resolved now.
Oh! Maura has not lost her water bottle lately (see the correlation of Maura not losing her bottle and Morgan and Debbie being gone?), however Dog tried to take it.

We are happy to report that a couple from Denmark are now at PG (Julie and Michael) and they happen to be salsa instructors. They have already shared their talent by giving us 2 salsa lessons, they are just wonderful.
There is a rumor that we have a new “best kitchen group”. Group number 4 finally redeemed themselves from the uncooked but burnt beans and soupy rice with an amazing vegetarian paella.
Many many many thanks to Jo who donated a wonderful stereo for the base. I believe some people were almost in tears from excitement and I don’t think it’s stopped playing since we got it! The first party night with the stereo was a total success. It is something else seeing Rafa (and his hair!) dancing. Rob also did a bit of break dancing.
We also had a boat ride through the mangroves and we did NOT (and I say did not) enter Belize illegally not even for 2 minutes. On our way back to Mahahual everyone took a well deserve nap.

Salsa is a slot or a spot dance. In Salsa a couple does not travel over the dance floor much. They occupy a fixed area on the dance floor. In some cases people do the Salsa in solo mode also. There is a great website that does great salsa dancing in both solo and couple mode.
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