The first turtle hatching of the season!!! On Sunday, after a lazy day, the new five weekers, and the returning 10 weekers were greeted by 92 new baby loggerhead turtles. Vidal (the resident legend) led us a short way down the beach to a spot where a nest was marked. After digging for a few moments Vidal warned Sarah B, Ian, and Memo to dig carefully…and then the first few signs of life were visible. When the sand started to move under their fingers we all knew that they were close! Everyone watching began to get excited. After growing in their eggs under the sand for 52? Days the little turtles were more than eager to dig themselves out of the sand. The first few turtles were greeted with ecstatic squeals (from the boys) and they were passed around and welcomed to Pez Maya in style. We took turns digging up 91 healthy baby turtles and their shells. Though the turtles were full of energy and ready to head out to their life at sea it was still too light out to release them. For the next few hours the newborns rested and saved their energy.

Number 92 (lovingly named Bucket) wasn’t quite ready to come out of his shell so we nursed him back to health for a few days. We are hoping to release him into the ocean tonight.
Later that evening, we attempted to wake the turtles from their deep sleep so they would be ready to swim out into the ocean but unfortunately they were a bit reluctant. After about an hour of pep talks and exposure to bright light we took the turtles down to the beach for their dramatic and exciting release into the sea. We lined all 91 up on the beach expecting them to perk up and run straightaway towards the water but only one was ready for action. The other 90 took coaxing with various torches, lanterns, camera lights, flashlights, words of encouragement, and songs, to lead them into the water. The lights were meant to mimic the moonlight. Upon reaching the water the turtles flapped away excitedly as they realized they were actually destined for the Caribbean. We all imagined they were relieved to discover that walking down the beach with their fins was only a temporary setback. Though challenging for the tiny turtles, walking down the beach is a necessary task because they needed to imprint on the beach so they could return one day to have babies of their own.

After many hours it finally came down to the last 9 who were still fast asleep on the beach. Among the final group were, “number three” “mini” “jewelry” “number two” and “Hermin.” Number two was the big winner whilst the others were still far behind. Eventually we placed the last five right at the waters edge so they didn’t end up doing much work. As we watched the last turtle swim off into the moonlit waters we were hopeful that they would return to visit us again someday. That night we slept soundly knowing we contributed to helping restore the endangered loggerhead species. As for our 92 new friends we wish them safe journeys to wherever the sea may take them.

Baila la Tortuga!
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