Along with the end of phase the conclusion of 2008 approaches. To celebrate it and to thank all the staff members for all their hard work during the expedition and throughout the year, which make the expeditions what they are, GVI organized a shark dive and a Christmas dinner.

For the first time in GVI Mexico history, staff from Pez Maya and Punta Gruesa got to dive all together and what a better occasion to do it than diving with sharks!! During the night, we all shared a very nice Christmas dinner in a restaurant at the beach enlighten by a gorgeous full moon. It was a very nice time to get to know each other better and to exchange experiences!! The occasion was also taken to say “hasta pronto” to the staff that after more than a year are leaving GVI to pursue other personal goals. Many thanks and good luck!
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff that throughout the year worked in the expeditions and are not longer here.
We wish you all the best wherever you are and a great start of 2009!

Shark dive and staff Christmas dinner
Quality. So gutted I missed it :( How was the shark dive?
a shark ate them all!! we are looking for new staff now... jajajaja ;) maybe when u be back you can do it yourself!! disfruta el frio por allá y nos vemos pronto por aca Burgden! besos
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