GEO cities and Environmental Commitee in Playa del Carmen
Yesterday, GVI Mexico was invited by the Municipality of Solidaridad in Playa del Carmen to attend the presentation of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) published by United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). This publication is worldwide known as it gathers information about the economical, social and ecological situation of either the world, a certain region, a country or like in this case, a city.
GEO has proven to be a very useful tool in decision making processes as it spots problematic areas, threats and ways to solve environmental problems. So far there are 40 cities in the world that have done their own GEO and in Mexico, Playa del Carmen is the third one in doing it thanks to the support of the local government and different NGO’s. In February 2009, 1000 hard copies of GEO Playa del Carmen will be published to make it available for everybody in the world.
Playa del Carmen, home of GVI Regional Office and the meeting point for all the Marine Expeditions in Mexico, has grown in the past 4 years at an extremely fast pace. This growth has brought an uncontrolled development fetching severe ecological problems such as water and soil pollution, increase in waste production, soil erosion, deforestation and lost of biodiversity among others. Therefore, GEO will be very useful for identifying critical areas to act and slow or stop the deterioration process. Also, in order to help tackling this ecological issues, two weeks ago, the 1st Municipal Environmental Committee in Playa del Carmen was established. The first one in this Municipality’s history! GVI Mexico also witnessed it and will contribute with the data gathered from the Marine Expeditions!

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