Giovanni Avashadur, Director of Casa de la Cultura opened the event evocating the first days of the project and expressively thanking GVI’s invaluable work for these three years. Daniel Ponce Taylor, GVI Mexico Director, deeply thanked and recognized the hard work of current and past Staff and Expedition Members (EMs) from which without their hard work nothing would have been accomplished; he also thanked all the organizations that have worked together with us, specially to Giovanni and Casa de la Cultura that opened its doors to make this project a reality; the students and Tulum’s people that added a priceless value to all EMs’ and staff’s experience within Tulum and its surroundings.
The event was followed by an emotive retrospective slide show that brought back happy memories of three years of activities and people that have been an important part of this Expedition. To finalize it a painting exhibition/contest was organized presenting drawings of children of the Julio Ruelas school. Three winners were awarded with books from Amigos de Sian Ka’an, a trip to Sian ka’an Reserve sponsored by Cesiak, a snorkel and mask, and three scholarships for attending Casa de la Cultura arts workshop.
During the event, Gabriel Mazon, Quintana Roo’s Director of UN youth and as representative of Muximbal community, awarded Danny in representation of GVI with a diploma as a thank you for Tulum’s expedition support and as an example for the future school that will be built in this rural community in Tulum.

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