Many people that participate in GVI expeditions leave behind books, towels, sheets and diverse items that will no longer be useful in their trips or back home. Those articles turn out to be of invaluable use for some people here in Mexico and thus they are given to them. However, books in English are not so easy to be given away so we have accumulated over the years a large quantity of them. Gladly, the Mexican NGO, Gente por la Gente, involved in a new library project, will make good use of them by adding it to the library collection. GVI donated over a 100 reading books in English and we are looking forward to them using the donations as they will help to empower reading culture and improve English vocabulary for advanced levels.
Photo taken from: http://images.google.es/imgres?imgurl=http://weblogs.clarin.com/metronautas/archives/

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