In the frame of the World Environment Day, two of our partners in Mexico were given one of the major awards that Mexican Government offers to acknowledge their efforts towards Environmental Conservation.
Amigos de Sian Ka’an (ASK), our main partner here in Mexico, received the Environmental Award from the
Secretary of Environment of the State of Quintana too, recognizing their trajectory during the last 22 years in the region. Gonzalo Merediz, Executive Director of Amigos presented their latest project that aims to monitor and map the underground river system of the Yucatan Peninsula, a system that links all ecosystems within the Peninsula, and thus basic for the ecological health of the region.
During the same event, Flora, Fauna y Cultura de Mexico (FFCM) received the same award, but was on top of that received a second award from the Municipality of Solidaridad. Guadalupe Quintana, director of FFCM, expressed the importance of this prize to encourage the creation and survival of environmental organizations, as well as to encourage the continuation of their work in projects such as La Ceiba Park, the Green house project, Regional Fair Commerce Trade Congress and the Turtle Conservation Programme in which GVI has taken active part.
Felicidades to both of them!

GVI Mexico partners receive Environmental Award
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