First week in Punta Gruesa!
Waking up everyday around 6:00am is hard for some people but when seeing the sunrise its worth
getting up for our duties. Each morning we rotate around the four duties (Boat, kitchen, toilet cleaning
and grounds). After each duty has finished we all eat breakfast.
After breakfast we all go out, on different 'waves', to go diving. On the way back to base, after my first
dive in Mexico, we saw three dolphins jumping out of the sea, Scotty our boat driver told us to put our
mask n fins on to experience them in the wild. “awesome”.
This has been the first big trip I have done with leaving my family and doing something I feel so
passionate. I have done everything by myself. The past week has been a big eye opener for me when
first arriving, I was thinking how am I suppose to live like this for ten weeks, I share my hut with 4
other people. Rosie, Caroline, Michael and Neil’s. It does get quite hot a night without a breeze.
Everybody who is on the project are really nice, outgoing people. The past couple of day has been hard
for some people including myself we have been quite poorly. The mosquito and sand fly’s have been
biting so much that everybody has bites all over there body we have tried many things to keep them at
bay but none have been working, I have been using 97% deet. :(
Every Friday afternoon and Saturdays we have off to do anything we like “most of the time is spent
talking with family”
The base is a beautiful place just shame about all the bugs. Hopefully by another week or two
everybody should better have gotten use to the biting bugs.

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