Follow up Patrick's experiences in Punta Gruesa!

Well enough formalities and on to the good stuff. Throughout this week, we will complete our PADI Advanced Open Water training. Today is our peak performance buoyancy dive, and I have a sneaking suspicion that last night's shepherd’s pie dinner will keep this author floating at the surface for some time (but that is a welcome dilemma - see last week’s entry regarding desperate pleas for meat and cheese). I also might have some extra air in my tank, if you know what I'm saying! Wink wink, nudge nudge. OK. Sorry. I'll keep this blog out of the gutter.
In terms of new humans on base, I would like to formally welcome our new staff member Bryan. Bryan hails from New York and comes to us with a deep (get it?) resume of diving and biological research/do-goodery. The author immediately asked Bryan if the New York Jets had beaten the New England Patriots. Bryan replied no. The author really never liked Bryan to begin with.
That is all for now. Stay out of trouble you rascals.
Love always and forever,
Patrick. Your faithful correspondent.

good bloging this sums up a typical week with GVI just about anywhere (bar the diving, fish and coral references)
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