Pez Maya lately
After the weekend off, which included breathtaking whale shark snorkelling for many of us, the weather here at Pez Maya has still not been very cooperative. Despite the weather everyone has finished their Open Water course so all of us are now certified divers and many have also finished their Advanced Open Water course. During our dives we have spotted everything from nurse sharks, southern sting rays, barracudas, spotted moray too jelly fish, parrot fish, massive corals and a lot of other things. But we still haven’t spotted Omar the legend…
Since the weather didn’t allow for any diving at the reef we got an early weekend which meant that some went to Playa del Carmen for the usual partying, others went to Akumal to snorkel with turtles and others just hang around at base. A big part of the group ended the weekend with diving in the cenote Chikin Ha, an awesome experience for most of us.
Before the weather started bugging us we have had time for community work in Punta Allen which included painting trash bins together with the local kids. The day after three brave volunteers went to an organic farm to help them out doing compost.
Other random things going on at base are cleaning and powdering our feet to prevent (or heal) athletes foot, studying, craving froot loops, doing funny duties, doing less funny duties and most important just chilling with tremendous people.
PS. Dear Miss Heil, we are really sorry that the previous Pez Maya blog entry did not include any good pictures ;)

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