Today, we received our first volunteer for the
Jaguar and Puma research project in Mexico. Welcome Melissa!
Even for us that are here, permanently in touch with nature and volunteers, it became very exciting to hear how Melissa's contribution will help so much this ongoing Conservation project that Marco Lazcano (El Eden director) is leading.
Melissa will be placed in the
Reserve of El Eden, a privately owned protected area that preserves over 3,000 hectares of forest and wetland. She will be taking part in daily monitoring activities, such as checking camera traps, wildlife observations and habitat mapping.

Melissa started her adventure today and is already assisting the researchers to put on cameras in a road where some wildlife is reported to be seen as the project not only focuses in the Reserve but in nearby areas too where wildlife can be accounted and preserved. By the end of her stay she will very likely be able to identify Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot, Deer, and Pecari faeces! Keep posted to read more about her experience in this blog!

Jaguar & Puma project kicks off!
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