The Blue Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi) breeding season has started in Quintana Roo! Therefore, when you travel around nearby mangroves and sea shores be careful as you might find crabs crossing from the mangroves to the sea. If you do help them crossing and if you are driving decrease your speed and encourage other drivers to do so as these species are very important to keep the balance between the Mangroves, dunes and Sea ecosystems.
After mating, females migrate to high-salinity waters in lower estuaries, sounds, and near-shore spawning areas. They over-winter before spawning by burrowing in the mud. Most females spawn for the first time two to nine months after mating, usually from May through August the following season. The female extrudes fertilized eggs into a cohesive mass, or "sponge," that remains attached to her abdomen until the larvae emerge. The average sponge contains about two million eggs and is formed in about two hours (source:
The Municipality of Tulum (closest town to
Pez Maya Marine Conservation Expedition base) is inviting to all the community to help crossing the Blue Crab every Full moon during the summer in the Sea shore of the Hotel Area

The Blue Crab season has started!
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