One of the most representative fishing resources of the Mexican Caribbean is the Queen Conch (Strombus gigas). Worldwide known, as it has inspired numerous marine legends as well as served as communication tool and trading item among the ancient Mayans; nowadays its unique flavor makes it a very tasty dish.

Unfortunately, the amount of Queen Conches in the Mexican Caribbean has diminished significantly, so much that its legal fishing is only allowed in the Biosphere Reserve of Banco Chinchorro in the south of Mahahual. In 1987 its fishing quote was of 71 tons, for the 90’s it diminished to 45 tons, for 2005 to only 21 tons and for 2008 the allowance to fish was of only 9 tons. The main reason of this decrease is the illegal fishing and consumption in the surrounding areas.
Fortunately through the CONANP Committee of environmental crimes, recently set, there is more coordination between organizations, producers and retailers, and therefore, more surveillance. They have also succeed to diminish the Queen Conch fishing season from 5 months to 4 months per year. This means that normally the Queen conch fishing was banned from the 1st of May till the 31st of November. Now, the same period continues with the addition of the whole month of February. Hence, the only months it can be legally fish are December, January, March and April.
You can also help preserving the Queen conch community by not buying it or by just consuming during the months that its fishing is not banned!

Illegal fishing of Queeen Conch
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