Greetings from Pez Maya - week 1
Hola Caballos Locos!
It’s been a quiet, but eventful, first week for Phase 1 of 2009. The weather has been pretty rubbish so time in the ocean has been minimal
On the plus side this has meant that we’ve all been cenote diving!
We’ve already seen some of the cenote wildlife; a baby crocodile, baby barracudas and a

dancing blue crab – who viciously attacked our very own Ozzie Jacques Cousteau! Poor Joslyn risked her life for this photo and now has to hold someone's hand whenever she’s on the bottom.

To celebrate the end of our first week on base everyone let loose at the Saturday party. Much beer, dancing and shenanigans were had by all, and Luke now has a compressor training dance set to the Foo Fighters; he’s developing his scuba skills dance which will hopefully be premiered at next week’s shindig. Those who went to adventure in Playa certainly missed a blinder – but we’re sure they’ll have a tale or two to tell when they return.
We’ll end on a note of caution for those EMs from the US under 21: you are legally allowed to drink here, but you don’t have to drink 10 weeks worth of booze in one night. You have been warned!
That’s it for our first instalment – until next time “manten la fe y serás grande”.

Nobody seems to leave comments on these blogs, but I just have to say as a poi spinner, and a future EM (Oct 09!) I'm happy to know the art is spreading! Can't wait to spin down there myself...
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