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GVI Marine Training kit

Please click here to access the online GVI Marine training kit

If you are coming for four weeks click
here to find the training tool that will help you learning your juvenile fish!

Study on the go! Click here for a Caribbean fish id guide application for iphones, ipads and ipods!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

An addition to the team at Punta Gruesa!?

A very friendly but unusual visitor spent some time with us this week. A new cold front bought with it an unsettled sea, so the day was filled with land based activities such as fictionary (Fish Pictionary…), science training and photography courses. Therefore, almost everyone was around to witness the arrival of a rather large pelican on our beach. He had been drifting up and down the shore for a while, and finally made the leap onto dry land where he spent some hours taunting Max, the dog, and entertaining the EM’s. He was a very good poser, and there were many photo opportunities to be had. Pelicans are not normally tame and avoid contact with us as much as possible, therefore this encounter was an honour for us all, allowing us to get within a couple of metres of him while he preened and put on a show!
