Bugs, bandages and byes - week 2 in Pez Maya
Sadly it’s now also perfect weather for those pesky biting insects and the mozzies and sand flies have been out in force every evening this week; we’ve all been mercilessly savaged and we’re running low on insect repellent. An interesting side-effect of the bug attacks is that we all seem to be showering less often. The bucket showers are taken outside and no-one is willing to offer their naked bodies to the mozzies as an all-you-can-eat buffet. Generally we shower only when the accumulated layers of bug spray, sun screen, sea salt and sand have reached at least ½ inch thick – and then we do it very quickly!!!

We have quickly become accustomed to the wildlife here at Pez Maya – none of us bat an eyelid at the iguanas that sidle into the huts as we sleep, the spiders that could easily cover the palm of our hands or the sharks that feed in the mouth of the lagoon. However, the lucky few who were taken on a tour of the mangroves this week were mightily impressed by the manatees – the rest of us are now eagerly awaiting our turns to go! There have also been close up underwater sightings of a nurse shark and a moray eel to add to our ever-growing list of impressive creatures we’ve spotted.

As time goes on we have to start saying goodbye to people, and we’ve already had three departures. Happily, though, two of them will be returning; our lovely intern Rhi will be back in a fortnight and Jen has PROMISED she will come back to us from Arizona – we’re holding you to it Jen! We miss you both guys.
Well, that’s all our news – until next week manten la fe y sera grande!

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