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GVI Marine Training kit

Please click here to access the online GVI Marine training kit

If you are coming for four weeks click
here to find the training tool that will help you learning your juvenile fish!

Study on the go! Click here for a Caribbean fish id guide application for iphones, ipads and ipods!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What are the Marine bases up to these days?

For the first two weeks EMs from Punta Gruesa and Pez Maya have been doing their Open, Rescue and Advance courses; this implies many activities in and outside the water which keeps them busy busy. Plus, a lot of information to take over since they have also been studying very hard their coral and fish species and passing their exams! Congratulations!!!
This is not all as they have also been doing their daily duties on base, plus beach cleanings, liaising with the community and doing Environmental Workshops and teaching English to the Mexican Marine Army in Pez Maya!!
And don't forget the science lectures! Nothing like the normal life of any expedition member isn't it?
