Turtle Camp at Xcacel
The Sea turtle experience in Xcacel for GVI Expedition Members has started this week!
By groups of 6, they will stay for 2 nights in Xcacel camp, which is one of the most important Turtle Sanctuaries in Quintana Roo. The group will be part of the Turtle Conservation program that Flora, Fauna y Cultura de Mexico carries out in this place. From the 8 Sea turtle species that exist in the World, 7 arrive to Mexico and 4 nest in Quintana Roo from which Xcacel receives a very large amount of them mainly Loggerhead and Green turtles.
After an introductory talk in the camp, EMs become part of the turtle volunteers (tortugueros) that live and work there for the season. They, then, help during the night patrols finding and identifying turtle tracks, observing, marking and measuring turtles as it is nesting season. However, there might be the lucky ones that will have the opportunity to release baby turtles. A one of a kind experience!

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