Tuesday dawned with little wind and the ocean looking inviting. The visibility was superb about 25m and it proved to be an incredibly lucky day for many divers, with a lot of exciting incidental sightings. Whilst at a site known as Hang-Ten four divers had the privilege of seeing a very large bull shark!!!! It was about 2.5m long and it appeared swimming fifteen meters below them whilst they were on their safety stop. When watching one of these powerful predators swimming so close it makes you feel very insignificant and an alien in this underwater world. At the same time, only about 100meters away, two other divers were graced by the presence of a large Nurse Shark. As if this wasn’t enough three sting rays were also sited, along with a huge Barracuda and a few large Lionfish. Unfortunately, the dive was cut short as a tropical storm came in really fast. Which meant the boat ride home was full of drama, crossing the reef back into the lagoon was an exciting experience which involved some near misses with large breaking waves.

The volunteers have also had the chance to develop their leadership skills through a competition in which hut teams had to undertake challenges. Everyone got very competitive and the challenges proved to be very amusing. Also well done to all the divers who are progressing through the rescue courses they should soon to be fully qualified rescue divers.

More amazing sightings and leadership skills!
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