A bittersweet week; we’re starting to really get into the meat of what GVI’s all about. Coral and Fish
Watch dives are well underway and we are seriously flexing those fish and coral learning muscles.
A couple of people have even been overheard using Latin in their spare time. Things are definitely
getting more involved.
But it’s a really sad moment too. Some of our friends are off to have adventures in the big, big world. It doesn’t seem like we’ve only know Inca, Pem, Remo and Rogier for four weeks. We wish they were staying and we’re kind of jealous of here they’re about to go. Inca, Pem, and Remo – we want photos from Rio! Rogier – send us a massive block of Dutch cheese and Medusa will use it to make another batch of that fabulous pizza.
Week three ended on this same warbling note. Pez Maya weather battered us with everything it’s got, so we shoved up two fingers and said ‘fine, we’re going cenote diving’. Cenotes are the
underground rivers that supply Quintana Roo with all of its fresh water and they form some of the most superb caverns you’ll see anywhere. Casa Cenote is a bit of a rarity, it’s open to the sky and rich with fish. We took turns diving and snorkelling around the Cenote.
Turns out that was the perfect trick to make the world spin our way. On the boat ride to the first dive on Monday a cry crackled out from the radio, DOLPHINS!! There were Bottlenose dolphins swimming right next to the boat, we snorkelled right next to them for a good half hour, chasing them as they dived and swam all around us. Every time we spotted them in the water or at the surface it was like seeing them for the first time. We could hear them whistling and clicking to each other too. It was honestly the most amazing start to the week.
As if seeing dolphins wasn’t cool enough, the jaguar is back. It started with a footprint and yesterday
Shelley and Jen saw it just chilling by the old water tenaco by the old huts. The encounter was brief but it hung around long enough for Rhu to see it too. We are now on a frantic hunt for the old camera traps – and if we manage to snare a shot we promise to share it with you.
Nearly all of us are Advanced certified now – WHOOT! – and moving on to Rescue, which is proving to be both challenging and heaps of fun.
Next week we get a new batch of volunteers coming in. If it’s you we can’t wait to see you!!!

Getting into the meat of what GVI's all about!
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