We woke up to a phenomenal sunrise and plenty of wind which was set to continue for the rest of the week, meaning little to no diving. We weren’t too bothered as it gave us time to discover everything else Pez Maya has to offer, and really bond as a group.
Inca and Emily taught us Human Cluedo basically a live action Clue game, which brought out everyone’s darkside, particularly Willem’s with 5 murders before he was brought down by a well-timed fire drill!
We made a volleyball net which was fashioned out of two bamboo poles and a piece of rope. With
four people per team we all spent the tournament laughing as we all tried to get into it and refresh
our volleyball skills. The fun didn’t stop there; Tristan brought out his slack line strung it between
two palm trees which became the afternoon’s challenge. Some people make it look far easier than it really is just taking one step is very tricky, especially with a head wind.
The staff paired us off, with the aim of practicing our buddy contact, which involved being tied to another person by a 2m piece of string or less!! Going to the toilet was interesting. This lasted until after lunchtime so we had an extra-large crew in the kitchen making banana and pineapple cake with cream, followed by tea at midday, great times.
Pablo gave us all a lesson in Salsa at 7:00 in the morning, a great way to wake up!!! After which a
swim was needed to cool down. The waves were big enough so we went bodyboarding using a
bodyboard that was found during a previous beach clean!! This was followed by a sweep of the
beach to find building material like bamboo, palm leaves, coconuts and rope to construct a beach
We now have a better understanding of where the data we are collecting is going, thanks to
fascinating talks from Healthy Reefs for Healthy People and Amigos de Sian Ka’an. We have also
watched numerous documentaries on the importance of protecting the oceans. The documentaries
have been very moving and thought provoking and it is good to know we are a part of something
Yesterday a small group of volunteers visited Punta Allen, where they taught restaurant terms to
secondary school children and colours to the excitable primary school kids, who drew on some of
the unsuspecting volunteers faces!! Liliana said it was a day full of “Hugs, kisses and flowers”.

Amazingly fun non diving activities!!!
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