Busy 2nd week in Pez Maya- Hurricane Paula, 350, open water, lionfish huntings & baby turtles
On Saturday we did a promotional picture, with all staff and volunteers for the ¨350 beach clean¨. This is to bring awareness to the carbon dioxide levels in the ocean, which have been predicted to rise in the future. If they were to reach critical level, life within the ocean as we know it, would be unable to survive.
On a lighter note, congratulations to all volunteers who completed their open water in just over one week! Now all they have left to do is to complete their advanced and then they can move onto fish and coral spots.
In the meantime qualified divers have started their spot dives and already seen some amazing things; eels, stingrays, barracudas, and the current rogues of the Caribbean - lionfish. Lionfish are proving a real problem as they have no predators in these waters, so they have increased in numbers rapidly. Hunters from Pez Maya have been going out with the dive groups in bid to cull the population.
We also helped two baby turtles make their way to sea the other day. The night before, the majority of the nest had hatched leaving these two behind. However we helped them out and sent them on their way.
Fortunately for Pez Maya, hurricane Paula did not strike…Unfortunately for staff and volunteers we had to rebuild the base the following day in torrential rain.
That’s all from Pez Maya for now; we have to go prepare for Turtle Festival this weekend!
Cheers! Caz and Katie x

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