350 is a worldwide campaign put together by quite a few people across the globe, including people like Al Gore and the UN’s top scientists. It was started by an American author who published one of the first books about global warming, aimed at the general public.
The number 350 stands for the parts per million of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide that would be safe for our planet. Currently our levels are above this point, sitting at approximately 388 ppm.
The idea of the 350 campaign is to raise awareness about climate change and the adverse effects it will have on our planet, by encouraging organisations and individuals to get together and do something on a specific date (this year, the 10th of October 2010), to try to make a difference.
So what have we done in
Pez Maya? We decided that we would clean the beach that we live on – we do this every Saturday anyway, so we got all our staff and volunteers to collect rubbish along our normal beach transect (plus a few more meters to make it up to 350!), gathered the rubbish and created a “350” out of it (see photos!)…of course, we have recycled everything we could from the beach clean!
350 at Pez Maya
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