The start of a new phase begins, 7 newbies arrive in the middle of the night at hotel Colorado. Everyone meets for the first time analyzing how hard core everyone is depending on the number of weeks they are here for. We have Aaron the ex-Navy medic from England, Crystal the all-american from Ohio, Eric the smart one from California, Jessie the Marine biologist from Colorado, Molly the laid-back one from Vermont, Maria the little one from Mexico and Alex the clumsy one from England. Then the oldies arrive at base over the next few days. Joma the crazy one from Mexico, Sisse the cute one from Denmark, Marti the sleepy one from Australia, Stephen the one who is always late from Scotland, Michelle the amazing cook from South Africa, Jonas the compressor whizz from Belgium, Mat the curly haired one from Botswana and Sophie the extremely sensible one from England. Quickly everyone got along and in Maria´s words Its like we´re a family!!!
A quite week passes by at Pez Maya, there is rain and sun, with waves and no diving… FOR THE WHOLE WEEK! Valeria spotted a bull shark from base close to the shore and everyone saw mating turtles in the surf. This may explain all the turtle tracks found by Sarah and Martin during the week. Another turtle spot was made by Eric when snorkeling.
No diving resulted in A LOT of studying (and eating) taking place on base. Molly and Alex passed their juvenile fish tests and Jessie passed her coral test. WOOP WOOP! Mat, Marti, Michelle and Jonas did one of their GTEC assignments, making a beautiful board to teach locals about the ecosystems of mangroves, seagrass and coral reefs. Michelle, Crystal, Stephen and Sisse went to Punta Allen and got to eat delicious empanadas and taught English to 2 classes at the school while some of the local women came to the library.
Meat was finally present on base on Friday!! Nachos and Lasagne were the dishes of the day. The Nachos left the plate in about 5 minutes and the Lasagne not long after that. Everyone was having a great time and the clouds finally left base so the newbies saw the stars for the first time.
See you all next week…. If we don´t get eaten by the BULL SHARKS!!

Newies and Turtle nesting season begins!
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