Adventure and more!
Generally food here is great, since people is getting really creative with the ingrediens we have. Like for example: Svens gooey lovesauce, Swedish gooey mudcake and different variations of banana cake.
As known, lionfish is an invasive species in this area. In an attempt to save the life on the coral reef from this invader, our brave staff has done some lionfish-hunting. This week they have successfully speargunned 8 uninvited lionfish. Nice shot! They also cooked them, and apparently they are delicious. They have more taste with the skin on. I`m gonna ask for lionfish next time I go to a restaurant.
It´s also funny how an really calm birding session turns into something else. Under the bridge someone see something and shouts out: Shark! Shark! As big as one, a massive barracuda looks up from the water. Cool! At the same bridge, a crocodile together with 3 southern stingrays have also been reported by 2 hitchhiking volunteers.
Then over to the most important: The Science! Until today we´ve had some windstill days with 25+ metres visibility in the water, absolutely stunning! That has been a good trigger for our monitor –training. Practice monitoring is going marvelous for both fish and coral people. Both teams is right now practicing laying their transect lines and hopefully next week we can do some real monitoring. That means to go diving on our own, of course in buddy-pairs, and collecting data about adult fish and juvenile fish, and the corals. It means the real life outside the safe trainingcage! Something we´ve been looking forward to for I don´t know how long...Yes I do....soon 7 weeks! Marine conservation, oh yeah!
So chip chop, back to being useful and hope you read our blog again next week !
You have been reading Krissy`s & Svens words out

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