Katie's last week in Pez Maya
Hello Hello, Katie here,
So this week was my last week along with six other volunteers, which feels unrealistic as it feels like just yesterday when we rolled up to Pez Maya, in the colectivo, after a extremely bumpy two hour journey. And just as we have got into the swing of mosquito avoidance, duties, boat pushes and getting up at silly o’clock, we are leaving…
We have loved every second of diving in the hot Caribbean sea along with bright tropical fishes and intriguing corals, unpredictable snorkelling trips, community work which will give us skills and thoughts to take home and of course refreshing (or cold) bucket showers which will save our water bills when we get home!
It has been an unforgettable experience and we shall all certainly urge anyone, and everyone to join a GVI expedition, and most definitely one here at Pez Maya.
Good luck to the next phase of volunteers, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

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